Seven Stars Professional Services B.V. Apps

TimeSheets 1.0.2
What is it?The Seven Stars TimeSheets is an application that can be usedtomaintain your timesheets for Seven Stars.Who is it for?The Seven Stars TimeSheets application can be used byallprofessionals that work via Seven Stars.If this applies to you and you don’t have access yet, please sendarequest to us at [email protected]!How can it help?With the Seven Stars TimeSheets application you no longer havetohandover or fax the paper timesheet form; you can just fill inthedetails, take a picture of your signed timesheet and upload ittoSeven Stars.What does it do?The Seven Stars TimeSheets application enables you to:- create a new timesheet with the hours you worked, theapplicableperiod and optionally a remark;- upload a photograph of your timesheet to Seven Stars;- view a summary of all timesheets you uploaded;- check the status of your timesheets.